I don't think I've ever spent more than about £12 on a single piece of makeup. I suppose it's partly down to a lack of disposable income, but also because I really don't know enough about it to appreciate what you get for the extra money. I know one "style" of makeup, and anyone who's watched my beauty videos will tell you that I basically recreate the same look over and over again using slightly different products. I only learned how to apply bronzer properly about three months ago - am I really the sort of person who should be trusted with a £38.50 eyeshadow palette?
Apparently, yes.
I've wanted the Urban Decay Naked Eyeshadow Palette for about four years. Despite owning two dupes in that time (one by MUA and one by Makeup Revolution) I've still lusted for the real thing, and would often ask to borrow Charline's when she lived with us earlier this year. Charline must have sensed my desire to have one for myself because for my birthday she got me an Urban Decay gift card, earning her approximately ten billion friend points.

She even accompanied me to the Urban Decay stand in Debenhams on Market Street in Manchester. I'd always been a bit scared of going to a makeup counter in the past. Like I said previously, my lack of funds and makeup knowledge have always made me feel a little nervous about it - as if the sales assistant would take one look at me and somehow know that I was wearing a Primark foundation and a Poundland lipstick and have me escorted out of the shop (which, by the way, I know is ridiculous). But the woman working there was absolutely lovely, and gave us a few free samples to take away!
I haven't had the palette for very long, but I've already tried out every single colour and worn it quite a few times! My favourite shade is definitely Sidecar, a beautiful metallic bronze which I like to wear all over the lid as seen in the above photograph, but honestly all the colours are amazing. The pigment is like nothing I've ever tried before (which I suppose makes sense as it RRP is more than four times what I've previously paid for an eyeshadow palette). And the brush that comes with it is actually really good! No useless sponge applicators over here. If I had to pick one flaw, it would be the packaging - which I know is going to get grubby in a mater of weeks - but that's not the end of the world. I know I'll treasure this for a long time.
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