I'm a natural redhead, but every summer my hair gets a little lighter in the sun. I suppose that's fine, but with my pale skin it makes me look very washed out, plus I find it harder to make my makeup and wardrobe fit my new slightly-more-blonde hair. I've dabbled with Henna in the past and loved the results but hated the commitment, and recently decided that I wanted to mimic the colour but have a low maintenance technique. Recently I tried a different method with a few products from Superdrug, and got gorgeous warm copper tones in my hair in about twenty minutes, and with considerably less effort than using Henna. I thought I'd share how I did it.
To start, take the Superdrug Colour Effects Rich Red 6.4*, and completley ignore the instructions on the bottle. It says to use it on wet hair after shampooing, but anyone who's ever coloured their hair before will tell you that it's much easier to see if you've got an even result if you dye dry hair. I always struggle with dying my roots, so to do this I pour the dye into a mixing bowl, and use a tinting brush to apply it to my roots, then for the rest of my hair I can get the dye in my hands and just run it through the stands with my fingers. Make sure you're wearing gloves, and have an old towel over your shoulders when using the dye, as it stains.

Once the dye is applied, wait for five minutes. Leave it for longer if you want a darker look with more copper-orange tones, or less time if you want a very natural result. Then shampoo your hair twice and rinse until the water runs clear to remove all the dye. After that, apply the Superdrug Colour Conditioner in Red* and leave on for as long as you like (I left the dye on for five minutes, and the conditioner for ten). This will lock in the colour but leave your hair feeling soft and smooth.
I love the results, my hair is now a lovely shade of copper that I think is perfect for Autumn. Unlike Henna, the colour will fade over time - but personally I like that, as it means my roots will be less noticeable against my coloured hair. And when I want to top up the colour a bit, I can just mix the hair dye and the conditioner together for a quick, conditioning colour boost.
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This post is not sponsored by Superdrug. I just really like their products. (However, if the folks are Superdrug are reading this and you fancy working together, hit me up!)
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